November 26th, 27th

Tuesday we looked at Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” in order to clarify our understanding of the following terms:
alliteration, allusion, metaphor, rhyme, rhyme scheme, internal rhyme, rhythm, simile, symbol.

Wednesday is a TUTORIAL schedule, so please make use of this opportunity. This is especially important since it is the end of Term 2. We will be creating poems today.

You Be the Teacher – Poetry Project

This assignment will involve the presentation and discussion of poems chosen by you, the students, to your peers. In groups of two you will choose, present and explain no less than two poems at length.

You must use PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or another presentation platform.

Your poems should be connected thematically and not written by the same author. Your presentations and discussion should last fifteen minutes, no more, no less. It is suggested that you rehearse in order to better estimate your time allotment as well as come prepared with pertinent discussion questions that will engage your peers.

Each class member will get a participation mark worth an additional 5 marks to be assessed at the end of the presentations. Student lessons (for that is what I am looking for) will be presented at the end of next week. A random draw Thursday will determine the order of the lessons. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he or she is aware of their presentation day and is present in class on that day.

Your lessons will be judged on the following criteria:

1) Depth of inquiry and explanation; it is up to you to make sure that you have understood the poem in enough depth as to be able to explain it to both your peers and myself.
2) Class engagement and participation; are your poems and discussion at all
interesting or relevant? How have you worked to ensure that there is an issue that the class will wish to discuss and debate?
3) General speaking manor and presentation; students must communicate clearly and effectively, being sure to be loud enough and enunciating words properly.
4) Most importantly, did Mr. McLean learn anything from your lesson? What new poem or insight have you shared? What original or engaging way did you stimulate the class to learn? What haven’t we seen before?
5) A short paragraph outlining why you chose the poems you did and what you hoped to accomplish by sharing them.

Hints and pointers
-songs are poems, but not all songs are good poems.
-what special or interesting research did you do about the poem/author/subject?
-be over-prepared rather than under…standing at the front of the class for several minutes
because you ran out of things to say is really uncomfortable.
-hand-outs with the poems on them are an excellent idea and can help with discussion
-act like you are a teacher, you are in charge of teaching us something after all.
-what might you wish to talk about in regards to poetry? an issue? a poet? a theme?
-remember to think and question…the more of this you do, the better.
-are there any interesting activities you can make the class do to help you teach?
-make sure you know what you are trying to teach us.
-HAVE FUN with this assignment! Get Creative.

Did I Miss Anything?

After constrasting the jingoism of Shakespeare’s St. Crispin’s Day Speech (from Henry V) with Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est”, we looked at bill shields “jingoism’ and ‘miles of bones”.

To start the weekend, we looked a more lighthearted poem, Tom Wayman’s “Did I Miss Anything?”

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poetic Devices

Today we discussed the following examples of allusions, metaphors, similes, symbols, and repetition

“5 score”, “Emancipation Proclamation” “100 years later”

‘flames….injustice’ ‘manacles…segregation”

‘Exile in his own land’ Gradualism

“a promisory note” “a bad cheque” Bankcrupt “bank of justice”

Autumn of freedom and equality Whirlwinds of revolt

“Palace of justice” “Like waters”, “like a mighty stream”

”an ocean of material prosperity”

“now is the time”

“thirst for freedom” “drink from the cup of bitterness”

“I have a dream” “we hold these truths self-evident” “all men created equal”
“mountain of despair; stone of hope”
“let freedom ring”

Thursday – Social Media Awareness

1. It was recently reported that Snapchat was offered $3 billion by Facebook (yes, with a “b”) for the company. Snapchat declined, feeling they were worth more money.

In a paragraph or two, please explain both their businesses. Who are their customers? Why would their customers choose one or the other platform?
“When something online is free, you’re not the customer, you’re the product.” – attributed to various authors.